Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Implementing behaviors for generative pattern design

For this project I developed a generative pattern system implementing behaviors of geometric elements. The purpose of this research is to generate various building skin design options for architects.

Utilizing behaviors on geometric elements sometimes can generate unexpected, yet organized patterns. Behaviors can include random location, random size, pushing, wandering, growing, shrinking, exploding, born, die, and many more. In this research, five of these are realized to demonstrate the core idea. Assume there is a pattern formed by strictly laid-out circles. If apply random location, they will overlap each other. If apply pushing behavior, these elements start to push each other until not interrupting each other’s comfort zone. Pushing force is the sum of all pushing elements. The amplitude of the force is linearly proportional to the size of the pushing elements. Wandering will allow elements to walk around if there is enough space. Growing will allow elements to grow if there is enough space. When the elements reach an equilibrium, all behavior stops.

Pushing behavior


Patterns generated by the systme

In a matrix

Grasshopper definition

Monday, September 30, 2013

Allianz Arena: parametric modeling using grasshopper

This video explains the method used in parametric model of Allianz Arena. Various methods have been tried to correctly present the concept of the form. Main challenges of creating this form are dividing the surface equally and arranging point indices to form curved panels.

Source code might be provided upon request.

Step 1: parametric base curve
The shape of the base curve is controlled by four parameters around a center point.

Step 2: generate profiles
Using offset and move batteries to form the profile of the stadium.

Step 3: diagonal curves
Divide all the curves and shift point index. Then, connect all the points to form diagonal curves.

Step 4: quadrilateral shapes
Divide all diagonal curves. Using C# code to rearrange point indices to generate a series of quadrilateral shapes.

Step 5: generate curve panels
Get the center points of each quadrilateral shapes and lift them above the plane. Then use sweep function to form curved surfaces.

Final result

Beijing Olympic Stadium: parametric modeling using grasshopper

This video explains the overall process of the model.

Following three videos are step by step process of the model.
1. Parametric curves which controls
2. Geodesic curves
3. Sweeping to generate pipes

Source code might be provided upon request.

Step 1: parametric curve
A closed curve passing through eight points is controlled by seven parameters.

Step 2: other profiles
create another profile curves using similar method. All three curves are based on one center point.

Step 3: loft
Make a lofted surface based on those three curves.

Step 4: geodesic curves
Divide three profile lines and link the divided points using geodesic function.

Step 5: pipe section
Find perpendicular frames of each geodesic curve and draw a square as the section of the pipes.

Step 6: sweep
Use the squares as the profile and the geodesic curves as path to generate pipes. If the squares are not perpendicular to the paths, the thickness of the pipes will not be constant.

Step 7: more pipes
Shift the point indices to left, right and random to generate more pipes.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

BIM-based acoustic simulation

Simulation video

In this project, I modeled an auditorium in Revit Architecture for the simulation. In the model, there are two speakers (electric devices) hanging on the wall, a presenter, and an audience. In the section view we can see the boundary of the space which is necessary for the simulation.

Figure 4-1. Perspective of the auditorium

Figure 4-2. Section of the auditorium

Figure 4-3. Bird’s eye view of the auditorium (roof and ceiling are hidden)

BIM data extraction 


BIM data extraction interface

Extracted room data from BIM to spread sheet


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